Upcoming Cardano NFT Drops and Projects to Buy in 2023

Introduction on Cardano NFT Drops

In the search for promising Cardano NFT drops projects in 2023, it’s essential to employ a strategic approach. Firstly, dive into the artistic quality and credibility of the project team. Secondly, scrutinize the project’s roadmap and tokenomics. A well-defined plan for development and transparent token distribution can be indicative of a well-structured project. Thirdly, keep an eye out for projects that offer real-life utility or generous giveaways to their community members, as these factors can enhance NFT value.

Moreover, collaborations with other prominent projects can boost a project’s credibility and reach. Lastly, ensure the team is transparent and identifiable (doxed), and assess the activity and engagement in their Discord channel, which can provide insights into the project’s community strength. By adhering to these principles, you can navigate the Cardano NFT space more effectively in search of promising opportunities in 2023. Let’s discuss the best Cardano NFt projects in 2023.

Where To Find The Best Upcoming Cardano NFT Drops Projects in 2023

When it comes to discovering upcoming Cardano NFT drops, there are several handy techniques you can use:

1. CoinMarketCap: This tool offers a dedicated section for upcoming NFT mints and sales. It provides essential details like launch dates, prices, project descriptions, and social links, making it easy to research multiple projects efficiently.

2. NFT Calendars: Various platforms aggregate upcoming NFT drops, simplifying the search for investors. These NFT calendars showcase multiple projects at once, but be cautious, as projects can pay for promotion on these sites.

3. Twitter: Twitter is a hub for cryptocurrency-related projects, including upcoming NFTs. Searching hashtags like #NFTs, #newNFTproject, or #NEWNFT can lead you to promising projects. However, be aware that some followings on Twitter can be artificially inflated.

4. Discord/Telegram: These platforms excel at providing in-depth information about upcoming NFTs. Many NFT projects establish communities here to engage with supporters and share crucial updates.

5. Established Collections: Don’t overlook established NFT collections. Creators often release new NFT series within the same ecosystem, offering opportunities to invest in upcoming projects from reputable teams.

6. NFT Marketplaces: Some NFT marketplaces feature sections dedicated to new or upcoming NFTs. These sections serve promotional purposes and are great for discovering what’s on the horizon, especially for specific blockchain ecosystems like Solana.

ArtaCardano Multiverse 

ArtaCardano Multiverse marks the debut collection within the ArtaCardano 3D NFT project. This Multiverse is divided into three distinct realms: Genesis, Dimidum, and Argo, each featuring over 36 unique characters with four different rarity levels. The project’s roadmap also outlines plans for a merchandise shop and a commitment to sharing a portion of royalties with collectable holders. 

Additionally, the project aims to create an interactive ArtaCardano Multiverse game, allowing holders to engage in battles using their ArtaCardano cards. As of now, only the Genesis series has been released, with prices varying based on the number of NFTs purchased, ranging from 45 ADA for one NFT to 450 ADA for ten NFTs. 

It’s worth noting that the ArtaCardano team actively engages with the community on Discord, providing insights into upcoming drops and future project details. This transparent and engaged approach fosters a strong connection with the project’s supporters.

Pheonix Arena NFT

Phoenix Arena stands out as a prominent upcoming Cardano NFT project in 2023, leveraging blockchain technology to offer a play-to-earn (P2E) game. Within this game, you’ll find two main categories of NFTs: Santa Diver (comprising 55 NFTs) and Champion Max (with 3775 NFTs). These NFTs serve multiple purposes, serving as profile pictures (PFPs) and in-game assets.

What sets this project apart is the integration of Wari tokens, which play a vital role in the ecosystem. These tokens can be earned by participating in battles within the arena, adding a layer of utility to the NFTs.

Ada Ninjaz

ADA Ninjaz is an upcoming Cardano NFT project generating significant buzz, and it’s certainly one to keep an eye on. The project introduces three distinct clans: Aramar, Daisuke, and Atsuko. The initial collection, focusing on the Aramar clan, boasts a total of 8,888 NFTs, each priced at 50 ADA.

What makes ADA Ninjaz unique is that each NFT comes with a specific set of utilities and plays a role in shaping the project’s music. This involvement extends to aspects like genre, beats, lyrics, title, and even vocals, among others, for the Original Soundtrack (OST).

Importantly, all the profits generated from these NFTs will be reinvested into the project. This reinvestment will support the discovery of new artists, promotional efforts, and marketing initiatives, further enriching the ADA Ninjaz ecosystem. With its innovative approach and artistic focus, ADA Ninjaz is an exciting Cardano NFT project upcoming to watch.

Ancient Humans Metaverse

The Ancient Humans is among the top upcoming Cardano NFT projects, and it’s particularly exciting because it’s a play-to-earn (P2E) venture. It’s divided into two key NFT collections: Ancient Human NFTs and 10,000 parcels of land within the Metaverse. The first sale of these lands concluded in February, and a second sale is planned for 2023.

What’s really captivating is that The Ancient Humans offers a third-person game. Players get to embark on adventures where they explore, trade, and hunt within this immersive virtual world. Additionally, NFT holders will enjoy the privilege of participating in both physical and virtual events. They’ll also have access to giveaways and various engaging activities. The Ancient Humans project is shaping up to be a dynamic and rewarding experience within the Cardano NFT space.

Mad Dog Car Club

The Mad Dog Car Club is a standout among the top upcoming Cardano NFT projects, offering 9,999 NFTs at a price of 30 ADA each. NFT holders can look forward to some exciting perks, including access to merchandise like t-shirts and hoodies. Additionally, a lucky group of five random holders will receive a generous reward of 1,000 ADA after the minting process.

What sets this project apart is its plan to release multiple car collections that can be used in conjunction with the Mad Dog NFTs, adding depth and versatility to the NFT ownership experience. Furthermore, the team behind this project has a charitable aspect, as they intend to donate funds to the ASPCA, contributing to a good cause.

Another attractive feature for holders is the promise of access to in-real-life (IRL) events worldwide, which can help build a strong and engaged community around The Mad Dog Car Club. This multifaceted approach makes it an enticing project for Cardano NFT drops enthusiasts to keep an eye on in 2023.


In this guide, we’ve delved deep into the most promising upcoming NFT projects, explored how to identify worthwhile investments, and shared tips for discovering new NFTs on the horizon. Amid our research, one standout project emerged: Fight Out. It boasts significant growth potential by allowing players to incorporate Soulbound NFTs into its play-to-earn platform. This project presents exciting opportunities for those looking to venture into the NFT space.


Which is the best Cardano marketplace for upcoming NFT projects?

CNFT is the first Cardano NFT marketplace, but jpg.store and Tokhun are also notable options.

What are the best wallets for Cardano NFTs?

Popular wallets for Cardano NFTs include Daedalus, CCVault, Yoroi, NamiWallet, and GeroWallet.

What is the next big NFT?

While it’s uncertain, “Fight Out” is currently gaining significant attention in the NFT space.

Andre Outberg

Nathan has a passion for trading crypto and finding opportunities in the market. With experience running an NFT project and trading for a large company, he uses his experience to help new traders gain invaluable knowledge and help them on the journey of profitability.

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